Dream on Me Snug N' Sleep Portable Lounger
The snuggle is real! The Dream on Me Sleep N' Snug Premium Infant Lounger is a multifunctional product that acts as a portable napper, lounger and Lounger. When being used as a Lounger, the Sleep N' Snug provides a safe, comfortable environment for parent and child, allowing more time for bonding and better sleep for everyone. The Sleep N' Snug is a perfect solution for parents looking for convenience because it allows availability to your baby at all times. With its breathable see-through mesh sides that are designed to compress for easy reaching during the night - having the Sleep N' Snug as a part of your nursery collection can put you at ease knowing that your baby is safe beside you. For practical parents, the Snug N' Sleep was designed to fold compactly so you can take it with you anywhere. Having trouble soothing baby to sleep, no problem! The Snug N' Sleep includes a music and vibration module that is sure to comfort any baby in addition to a nightlight for added security. Eat. Sleep. Snuggle. Repeat.
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