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Stroller Market Basket - N/A

Brand: Evenflo



Average Rating: 4.7 Stars

37 Ratings

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Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

Verified Purchase


This is so nice to have to go to the store and not have to take the carseat off the stroller.

anonymous on 

Mar. 06, 2024

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

Verified Purchase


This is the coolest basket. It pops right into stroller in top spot or bottom spot. Awesome engineering! Thanks Evenflo!

Charlie F. on 

Jan. 27, 2024

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

Verified Purchase

Spend the money

This was a game changer when shopping alone with the stroller and my little one!

Brittney P. on 

Jul. 29, 2023

Average Rating: 3.0 Stars

Good and bad

Love the concept of this basket, but it does not securely clip onto the basket. The clips on the basket basically rest on top of the stroller clips. Kind of disappointing, but I do like having the extra storage.

Merchant Response

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anonymous on 

Oct. 18, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

More storage!

I love using this basket when I know we are going on an all day trip! I can bring everything I need and it fits perfectly into this basket.

Carrie7103 on 

May. 17, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

Perfect addition to pivot xpand!

This shopping basket was the perfect addition to my pivot xpand stroller! This pandemic has me nervous to go out but this basket has caused my worrying to lessen. It makes it to where I don't have to use the store basket and worry about germs. My setup includes the riding board, newborn carrier, and then the basket. My toddler road on the basket while we went to grab essential items. This has made my life easier as we accept that we are developing a new normal.

Lethalbeauty on 

May. 16, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

Very Useful

I love this evenflo basket! Very useful and you can use it for your little one's toys or my baby girl's dirty clothes.

Minz on 

May. 15, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

Love extra storage!!

This market basket is every organized and storage loving persons dream!! It easily pops on and off the stroller and maintains its shape. The stroller handles the market basket with the rumble seat OR car seat very well. I am expecting baby number two and I remember when my first would fall asleep in the car seat, I would dread potentially waking him by wrapping him to me so I could use a cart. Now I can just pop the car seat on and with the storage basket underneath AND the market basket I will have plenty of space to run errands easily! I do wish that the basket easily collapsed for storage but that's the least of my concerns!

Bmk1992 on 

May. 12, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

SO SO convenient & helps with multitasking

I love the fact that that the basket snaps into the stroller arms just like a baby seat. It is so easy to get baby out and grab the basket without having to worry about pushing a release to be able to remove it. The setup of the basket was super easy and I appreciate that pieces snap together when setting it up to make sure it is assembled properly. However I currently have 2 kids, under 2, and I need both seats. Because the basket has to be snapped into a stroller seat, I am unable to use it unless I take a kid out. It's a great concept though!

Vahonie on 

May. 12, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

Great additional storage!

This basket is super helpful to provide extra storage whether at the grocery store or toting toys around. The pivot xpand already has good storage but this is a nice bonus. Since we only have one child right now, it clips into the spot for the second seat. Also, this basket was incredibly easy to assemble. It took maybe two minutes, at most.

BrianK on 

May. 12, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

A Convenient and VERY HELPFUL Accessory

I the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic, this Market Basket is so helpful! I don't have to worry about using the supermarket basket when shopping. I use this basket for the double stroller pivot expand. I have two kids, the first is 4 and the little one is 16 months. This basket offers yet another option when my 4 year old grows out of his seat and would rather walk! There's a lot of good points about this product, but here are my favories: 1. The depth and length of the basket is a decent size and helpful when shopping for "long" shaped items. 2. Even with the basket's sturdy frame it is easy to click in and out - with the same ease if I was clicking in a second seat 3. Once clicked in, the basket is secure. 4. Baby is still safe in his own seat and when faced out, can still enjoy looking outward with no distractions. 5. It is easy to clean - A bottle of liquid had accidentally broke inside the basket. When I got home, I was able to rinse and dry with no problems. 6. This basket makes getting things into the car fast and efficient. Especially when having you child with you. Everything is in the basket already, so I just click it out and put the basket in the back of my car. 7. I don't only use this basket for groceries, but I also use it when going out for my kid's snacks or toys. In case the basket falls over in the car or I'd like to keep the cold items chill on the way home, I do wish the basket had an option for a zippered cover or an insulated cover. Other than that, I'm very happy with the convenience of this product!

eevvveee on 

May. 12, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

Super Convenient

The market basket is such a wonderful addition to the Pivot Xpand Stroller system! It was nice to be able to place things that you reach for often at a higher, more accessible level. It also has a zippered part that I stuck my phone and keys in for safe keeping but easy access. It attaches at either level a stroller seat would be placed. One thing to note is it doesn't snap into place the way a seat does, it just slides over the towers, but still felt plenty sturdy. Size wise, its huge! There's so much space! We threw in drinks and snacks for everyone, some sweaters, and the diaper bag and everything fit comfortably. My kids also smashed some grapes in it and the material is easily wipeable. The handle can be up or down, and basket can be removed to be used essentially like a picnic basket, which would be so nice for a park or zoo trip. Overall, this is such a nice addition to our stroller. It's big and makes things accessible at a nice height, better than reaching down to the basket below. My kids can easily reach their stuff so mommy doesn't have to get everything for them. Just makes life more convenient and easy feeling which is all a mom really wants!

Carter16 on 

May. 12, 2020

Average Rating: 4.0 Stars

Love this!

Absolutely loving the Market Basket for shopping with my little. I prefer to take in my stroller opposed to using a cart in the store when I have my baby, so this is perfect so that I have a space to stow all the small items, so that I can use the bottom basket of the stroller for the larger items.

HeidiM23 on 

May. 11, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

I have the evenflo...

I have the evenflo pivot xpand stroller and got the pivot Xpand market basket. Instead of grabbing a cart when I need to pick up a couple of groceries I can use the basket with ease. It's easy to install and fits so many items. Not only is it good for groceries but it's also good for shopping at any store. It is very handy at the mall, that doesn't have the option of using carts. I'm able to have my daughter on lowest part of the stroller facing me and still able to see her or have her closer to me and have the cart on the lower part of the stroller. The basket also works for park visits and etc. the basket on my stroller is huge and fits a lot but the basket gives a added bonus of the option of having items closer to me that's easy to grab and go. Overall I recommend this product for many multi-functions.

Tiffany1024 on 

May. 09, 2020

Average Rating: 4.0 Stars

Great Add on!

I love how easily this basket was to put together and how its able to collapse. Easy to wipe down and great accessory for the car as well. I have been using it to put groceries in while in the car. Can't wait to actually use it with the stroller when I go grocery shopping, this would be perfect for a trip to the zoo, picnic. With a 4 yr old and 1 yr old this is great to carry their snacks, toys. Overall great concept to add on to our pivot stroller.

DaysiNeg on 

May. 07, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

What a great idea!

This product is so helpful. When only of our kids wants to sit in the stroller or I'm going to the store with only one kid, this basket helps me be even more flexible. It just snaps in and out like the other pieces. It's great!

Alyssa on 

May. 07, 2020

Average Rating: 4.0 Stars

This is AWESOME!

So, I really love this basket. I walk alot to stores, and I always have trouble fitting it in the stroller (I buy alot). This makes it easy to shop and use my stroller without the hassle of putting baby in a germy cart!!!! Also I really love that it can't be positioned on front or back of the stroller, so if baby is awake they can be in the front seat enjoying the view and the basket is close to me and easy to put products in. AMAZING addition to my Pivot Xpand stroller for sure!

MissMamaof5 on 

May. 07, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

Extremely helpful!

This product is super easy to assemble and take apart and is very spacious! I use this primarly when I'm only with one kiddo in the pivot xpand stroller and I put my things in the basket rather than the mesh compartment at the bottom of the stroller for easier access to my items. All in all this is a wonderful product when you have many items to carry! One of these days I'm going to try it grocery shopping once this virus thing settles down (:

asongsangworn on 

May. 07, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

Perfect for busy moms on the go!

I was looking forward to using this market basket to go to the grocery store, parks and the zoo this summer but the pandemic hit before it came in. Even though we cannot go to the stores, we still use this basket EVERYDAY! It has so many uses. We walk or drive to the school to pick up breakfast and lunch everyday and use this to bring our meals home. We also go for a daily walk and use our basket for our waters and other things we may need. At first I was a little concerned that the basket does not snap into the stroller arms like the seats do. After using it, I actually love this feature. It is so much easier to get baby out and grab the basket without having to worry about pushing a release to be able to remove it. The basket itself is very good quality. I have bumped and scratched the basket against things trying to carry it, baby and everything else in with one trip. The basket still looks brand new! The material it is made of is strong and great quality to where I am confident it would not easily rip or fall apart. The pocket on the side is convenient. I am able to put my phone and keys in it and not worry about dropping or forgetting them in the stroller. The basket is big enough to carry many things at once but it is not overwhelmingly big. When I use the basket to pick up breakfast and lunches for my kids, I can easily fit 4 juice boxes. 4 milk cartons, 2 full breakfast containers, and 2 sack lunches in there and still have a lot of room left. The only thing I am not terribly fond of with this basket is the textured carrying handle. I, like many other moms, tend to carry the basket across my forearm while juggling everything else. The texture on the handle irritates my arm and actually kind of hurts. It is an easy fix if i remember to actually just carry it with my hands but most often I just slide it up my arm and go. All in all, I absolutely love this product and will be recommending it to all my mommy friends!

Salfamily on 

May. 06, 2020

Average Rating: 5.0 Stars

Great Add on!

This makes such a great addition to an amazing stroller. The storage basket is already large and I use it for quick trips to the store. The basket adds more storage making it perfect for the store especially in the world of trying to stay clean. I plan to use the basket for beach trips and picnics in the park. Make sure to read the instructions when putting it together I missed a step when putting it together.

Dduck on 

May. 05, 2020

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